Sunday, December 30, 2007

Furniture Design Part I

Why do this ActiveUnity?
For many a year have I had the dream of designing and building my own desk. One of those items you find on your todo list that is so cool and close to home that you never want to take it off, but feel bad that it's been there for so long that it's not very motivating to see it still there, staring at you...unchecked. But before I get into the real deal desk of my dreams I decided to start with something just as fun and just as useful. A portable desk! Using the same concept of the larger desk except in smaller sizes and some new ideas on portability in design.

Designing and building your own piece of furniture is a fun and worthwhile project for many reasons. One of the main reasons is that everything in the world (yes, even you) has the ability to be even better. To have a sleeker design, more leg room, deeper pockets, hidden compartments, ergonomic corrections for bad backs, better portability, more cushioning, enhanced durability, better materials, increased functionality, a built in sleeping area for your cat, etcetera. The possibilities are truly endless, and who better to customize that new shiny piece of furniture? To hold in consideration all of your most intimate desires and needs? Oh, I think we all know who that is, you silly goose you.

Some of my own personal reasons for wanting to design my own desk:

  • to have a workspace fit for a continuous multi-project work life
  • ergonomically made for design work and writing projects
  • fun secret compartments!!@#$
  • the ability to have references and inspirations on the desktop without it getting in the way of my current papers and designs on the desktop (less clutter with the benefits of clutter!)
  • something I could call my own baby when people got impressed by it.

The portable version of the desk will have many of the same abilities as my original desk idea, except some tampered down a bit and some added features that would make sense of a small portable workspace. With the added benefit of me being able to take more advantage of the spring and summer months with a desk that will allow me to sit on the grass in Wash Park and enjoy the day outside while I get my ideas on paper.

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